Stormwater Education

Stormwater is runoff from rain and snow. Stormwater that flows from driveways, rooftops, and across our lawns eventually pick-up debris, dirt, chemicals from yards, even dog waste, and flows into the City storm drains. This water eventually works its way into our water supply. Protecting out water before it drains into our water system is the first step to success!

Here are some other steps to keep runoff safe:

·         Take all hazardous household chemicals, such as cleaning supplies, used motor oil, paint, and spray to the Dickinson County Hazardous Waste Facility. More information here-

·         Use lawn chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides properly.

·         Plant native plants and gardens that need less yard maintenance.

·         Pick up after your pets and properly dispose of their waste.

·         Do not wash your car at your residence, use a commercial car wash which recycles their water, and uses less water than you would at your home.